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Personal investing made easy! (crypto,stocks,ETF)

Let me help you invest with ease and confidence.


Hamilton East, Hamilton, Waikato



Investing can be intimidating, especially if you're new to it. I have spent years diving into the crypto and stock market world, and have realized that most financial advisors and crypto influencers mainly have their own success in mind. Consequently, I have learned to avoid the pitfalls and unnecessary complexities that often seem to be included in personal investments strategies. Personal investing should be easy and straightforward, without having to stare at charts all day or having to spend hours researching stocks! With the right guidance, personal investing can also be an exciting and also profitable journey. I can help you navigate the complexities of investing and get you started with a simple and manageable investing strategy that suits your unique needs and goals. My specialties include: Crypto (trading, staking, decentralized exchanges, NFTs, etc) Stocks ETFs / Index Funds Whether you're just starting out with personal investing or looking to extend your portfolio into crypto, I can help you invest with ease and confidence. Contact me today to learn more about my services! I am available for meetings in person or online (Skype, Zoom, Teams, etc)

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Peter Ruiter

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Member Since:

March 2023


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Listing #: 3179

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