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Turn your food waste into cooking biogas

and add your animal and human manure

Location:Nelson, Nelson, Nelson / Tasman
Address:8 Orpington Place
Company:Small Time Developments Ltd
Pickup:Buyer can pick-up


Price (item is brand new) $4,000



Welcome to the sustainable world of HomeBiogas Make your own cooking gas in your backyard! The magic of HomeBiogas is that it's off-the-grid. Bacteria break down organic waste in a naturally occurring process, and HomeBiogas stores and harnesses the energy created so that you can use it! Place HomeBiogas in a sunny spot in your backyard that is up to 20 meters from your kitchen/BBQ. Remember, bacteria thrive on warmth, so the location is important! HomeBiogas is designed so that the ordinary person will be able to easily assemble it, no professional or technician needed! Set aside 1-2 hours with a friend or family member to complete the job. The easiest way to activate HomeBiogas is using 100 liters of animal manure. Once you have a healthy colony of bacteria growing in the digester, it's time to start feeding the system with your food scraps and/or animal waste. Generate up to 2 hours of cooking gas and liquid fertilizer DAILY. We are the NZ re-sellers of the Israeli made product and you can find further information via our website biogas or theirs 3 sizes available at different prices

Contact details

Contact name:

Ian Mccomb

Primary contact number:

022 3152592

Best contact time:

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April 2019


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